Social Distancing Guidelines

As a health and safety organization we are closely following the guidelines of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO). The health and safety of our clients is important to us. In an effort to provide necessary life-saving skills in a social distanced and responsible manner we will be requesting that our clients adhere to the procedures and policies outlined below.

Some of the new practices we will be implementing moving forward include but are not limited to:

FACE COVERINGS WILL BE REQUIRED TO ENTER CLASS and must remain in place throughout class if the client chooses the Socially Distanced Class option.

Reducing Risk (Staying Safe) - Please Anticipate longer class times

  • The classroom will be limited to only students taking the course - no outside guests will be admitted
  • Any students that are showing any signs of illness 24 hours prior to their scheduled training will not be admitted and must reschedule after a minimum of 14 days
  • Classrooms will need to be thoroughly disinfected before, during (break), and after each class
    • Clients will be required to provide Household cleaner, Isopropyl Alcohol Spray, or a Bleach/Water solution* as well as a designated employee to clean and sanitize training area surfaces between sessions
      • *Bleach solution:
      • 5 tablespoons (1/3 cup) bleach per gallon of water or
      • 4 teaspoons bleach per quart of water
  • All instructors and students are required to wear face masks at all times
  • Proper Hand Hygiene should be performed using soap and water, if soap and water is not available, use an alcohol based sanitizer at the following times:
    • Beginning and end of class
    • Before and after breaks
    • Before and after skill practice sessions (when using gloves, hand hygiene should be done before putting on the gloves and after removing the gloves).
  • Class size will adhere to current public health recommendations
  • Class seating and manikins must be placed at least 6 feet apart

Changes to our curriculum are outlined below:

  • CPR
    • During full CPR students will be instructed to only speak "Breath, Breath"
    • Abdominal thrusts can only be practiced on the student themselves, or on a Manikin (no partners)
  • First Aid
    • Practice will not include any skills that involve use of a partner
    • Students can practice bandaging and direct pressure activities on themselves only

All activities that involve use of a partner must either be done on a manikin or on the student themselves.

Your patience and cooperation is greatly appreciated as we all continue to work together to provide these life-saving skills in a safer, socially distanced manner.

If you have any questions please call our training department
at 1-800-823-0124

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