Complete Refill Packs
Buying a SmartCompliance Cabinet entails you to a high quality first aid cabinet fully stocked with first aid supplies for all types of minor injuries. You also have one of the easiest ways to order refills. The indicator tabs notify you when a certain item needs to be refilled and then there is an easy-to-use from to fill out and process. We also offer full and complete Refill Packs to refill any and all of your products at once. This includes all the bandages, cleansing pads, first aid treatment and more. It's fast and easy to refill everything in one fell swoop!
Ordering one of the SmartCompliance First Aid Cabinet Refill Packs is the fastest and easiest way to have all of your product items ready for refill right at your location when they are ready. Ordering through this process is also an easy way to standardize the refill process for your other locations. Easy to order, easy to organize and easy to refill all of your locations. You can not beat the SmartCompliance Smart Tab Ez Refill process!
- Medium Metal Smart Compliance Refill Pack, ANSI A , First Aid Only$89.29 $74.56 As low as $52.19SKU#: 90582
- 1350 Medium Metal Food Service Cabinets Upgrade Pack - SmartCompliance$48.07 $39.91 As low as $27.94SKU#: 90747
- Smart Compliance Restaurant Kit Refill Pack - SmartCompliance SmartTab ezRefill$64.30 $58.91 As low as $41.24SKU#: FAE-8010