
When it's time to get your rest, either camping or when you are waiting for rescuers or anything else during a disaster, you want to make sure you are both protected yet also have some items to keep you comfortable. Sleep is very important to keep your energy during a disaster event. We offer sleeping bags, space saver cots and one of our top sellers, a Mayday Solar Sleeping bag. Rest is very important during trying times, we want to make sure you get it!

The Mayday Solar Sleeping Bag was actually developed for use by astronauts. The Mylar solar sleeping bags and blankets not only can retain up to 90% of our body heat and can be used as ground cover or a shield from the elements, they also have reflective properties so they can be used to signal rescuers when you are lost, stranded or both. Very compact, durable and something you should not leave home without!

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