Misc. Communication Items
With all of our other communication Items, we had a few that may not have fully fit into any particular section or category. Items such as Air Horns can be used in a handful of different ways such as signaling your location but can also be used to signal the end of a game or a quarter or period in sports. Some other items are different types of stop signs, long distance "walkie-talkies and a batch of signal mirrors. We have all your different types of communicative devices.
One of the rescue communicative devices that doesn’t get much hoopla but has had a lot of recent success is the signal mirror. The SOL Rescue Flash Mirror is a cheap yet powerful device that when used correctly can help signal rescuers from the ground and air from over 10 miles away. It can target planes, helicopters, and distant search and rescue teams The retro-reflective aiming aid enables you to signal targets from miles away, and the lightweight Lexan construction will not break if dropped.