Basic Buddy Supplies & Accessories
The Basic Buddy CPR manikins are a dramatic, inexpensive, and state-of-the-art manikin designed for teaching individuals or large groups the life-saving techniques of CPR. To keep these running as you want to so you can teach and learn efficiently we have a slew of Basic Buddy supplies and accessories for you to keep your manikin in top shape. We have everything from carry bags to replacement chest plates and lung/mouth bags to make sure that you can transport and use your basic Buddy in an efficient and useful way!
Replacement Lung bags are one of the most important and replaceable features on the Basic Buddy manikins. Being a state of the art manikin that is designed for teaching large groups of students, you need to have the replaceable and disposable lung/mouth protection handy to make this manikin completely sanitary and so you do not have to worry about any cross contamination. Each and every student who practices with will not have to worry about the spread of germs and can focus on learning life saving CPR.
- Baby Buddy Infant Lung/Mouth Bags - Pack of 100 - Baby BuddySKU#: LF03723U