In CPR, we use the head-tilt, chin-lift method to open the airway. Place one hand on the victim’s forehead, and two fingers on the bony part of the jaw. Gently tilt the head backward. This will open the airway and lift the tongue off the back of the throat. Carefully lean over the victim and look, listen, and feel for...
While CPR Training nearly always covers when to begin giving CPR (and quality CPR course will) many times students ask "When should I stop performing CPR?" As a bystander, you must decide if you choose to provide voluntary assistance. If you choose to do so, first make sure the scene is safe for you as a rescuer, then you must...
Clinical Death/ Biological Death: What happens when an individual’s breathing and heartbeat stop? The first stage is called Clinical Death. Clinical death is not necessarily permanent. An individual’s brain can stay alive for about 4-6 minutes after breathing and heartbeat have stopped. This isn’t much time, but it is our “Window of Survival.” If appropriate medical care is initiated within...
You've heard of the Lifesaving Chain of Survival, or maybe you haven't - either way, you should know the links in the chain and the vital role of the bystander - a chain is only as strong as its weakest link, so don't be the weak link. So what are the "links"? EARLY ACCESS - this means getting the professional...
Every business is required by OSHA to have a formal, written and active safety program. An easy way to show that your program is "active" is to have live safety instruction (and records thereof.) Whatever safety training requirements you may have for your business, American CPR Training® offers these topics in a fin informative, inexpensive, and time saving manner...
Primary and secondary education is about life skills and preparation to join society - what better skill than the ability to save the lives of others? Starting with Alabama back in 1984, in State after State, bills are being passed to require learning CPR in order to graduate from High School. This is the right thing to do. Currently Michigan...
CPR has changed and you have to retrain! Don't fall for this gimmick. The new CPR guidelines release in late 2015 and effective now are one of the least significant changes (whereas the 2010/2011 changes were probably the most significant) in many years. Nobody with a current CPR card requires retraining at this time (of course studies show that students...
Since Winter is when most people suffer heart attacks, wouldn't this be the bests time to learn or renew CPR Skills? Learning CPR should be convenient, easy, inexpensive and fun! While CPR Training is a critical life skill that involves education about physiology, anatomy, and physical skills, it need not be grueling or boring. Back in 1993 American CPR™ was founded...
We often get asked... Does American CPR Training® offer a CPR Renewal class? Clients and Instructors alike ask this question - and the simple answer is: There is no need! Our Program is very different from the other National certifying bodies, and you will find that it is much more flexible and inexpensive, so you need not be concerned about some...
CPR saves lives! Being CPR certified will prepare you for any emergency that may come your way. Many organizations teach CPR but questions arise about who officially endorses CPR. There have also been some inquiries about our certifications and course equivalency as well-so let us explain! American CPR Training® / American EHS is a nationally recognized training organization, just as...
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