AED (Automated External Defibrillators)

Sudden cardiac arrest can occur at any time and any place. This is why you can find them in many public places, including malls, office buildings, fitness centers, schools, airplanes or even in your neighbors home. Our AED Product articles will keep you posted on the latest and best Automated External Defibrillators (AED) technology and brands including brands such as Zoll, Defibtech, Physio-Control, Heartsine, and more. Read up on where to find accessories for each of these top brands such as electrodes, AED wall mounts, batteries, carrying cases, and AED trainers & training accessories to help supplement your AED use knowledge.

  1. Remember that every Home & Business should have an AED
    Categories: AED (Automated External Defibrillators)

    Remember that every Home & Business should have an AED

    Now during CPR & AED Awareness Week (the first week of CPR & AED Awareness Month) we would like to remind you that AED devices can actually lead to recovery, while CPR alone most often can only maintain stasis until more advanced Lifesaving care arrives. You can purchase AEDs for very reasonable prices. If you have a little time to plan ahead...
  2. We ?? You!
    Categories: CPR Training, AED Training, AED (Automated External Defibrillators) & CPR Products

    We ?? You!

    The symbol for Valentine's Day is a heart - and we're all about hearts! We've been sharing our CPR Training & AED Training at ½ the Time, ½ the Price, and TWICE the Fun!™ for almost a quarter century now - so you know we know hearts!
  3. Early Defibrillation
    Categories: AED Training & AED (Automated External Defibrillators)

    Early Defibrillation

    We've talked about the importance of AED use in the Chain of Survival, but what is it really about? Early Defibrillation Early defibrillation and entry into the Emergency Medical System is vital to the victim’s survival. Many public and private organizations are now equipped with Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs). Proper administration of an AED device to a victim of cardiac...
  4. Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease
    Categories: CPR Training, AED Training, AED (Automated External Defibrillators) & Health News

    Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease

    Cardiovascular Disease is the number one cause of preventable death in the US... you can help prevent your own demise if you shape up and live healthier beginning today. Cardiovascular disease, which includes heart attack and stroke, kills more people than anything else on the planet. Risk Factors are factors that affect our chances of having cardiovascular disease.  The three...
  5. Categories: CPR Training, First Aid Training, BBP Training, AED (Automated External Defibrillators), Bandages and First Aid & Bleeding Control

    Our Free Gift to YOU! (Share this with your Friends & Family!)

    Tomorrow is Christmas, a time of giving... we've got something to share with you and your friends and family! Watch our FREE 22 minute video to teach some basic first aid skills and how to use those funny items you'll find in a First Aid Kit. HOW TO USE A FIRST AID KIT: WHAT YOUR FIRST AID COURSE DIDN'T TEACH...
  6. Heart Health
    Categories: CPR Training, AED Training, AED (Automated External Defibrillators), CPR Products, Health / Medical Education & Health News

    Heart Health

    Heart disease and stroke cost America nearly $1 billion a day in medical costs and lost productivity. Explore CDC’s work to protect Americans' heart health, a strategy that can boost employers’ profitability and workers' well-being. CDC PROTECTS AMERICA’S HEART HEALTH—FOR BUSINESSES AND EMPLOYEES Heart disease and stroke are among the most widespread and costly health problems facing America’s employers today...
  7. Categories: CPR Training, First Aid Training, AED Training, AED (Automated External Defibrillators) & CPR Products

    CPR Saves Lives, But Only When Performed

    CPR is Easy - CPR Saves Lives - CPR is NOT what you saw on Baywatch. Learn CPR now. There are many ways: Join a Community CPR Class Schedule a Group CPR Training at your work, home or Community Gathering Place. Get a CPR Home Learning Kit Sudden Cardiac Arrest can lead to death in 4-6 minutes... step in, be...

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